Sanatorium “PODOLE”. He is in the forest, most of which is occupied by coniferous trees. The area of the forest park is 10 hectares.
It is good for a person to relax at least once a year from work and everyday problems. Restore strength and body. And it is the rest in the quiet of the dense forest that suits it most. Reunification with nature has a beneficial effect on the human body. Calms the nerves and helps to distract from the city bustle.
Coniferous forest has a healing property for the human body. It is in this forest area that the sanatorium “Podillya” is located. The air here is rich in oxygen because the needles release active biological substances into the air, which kill bacteria. For example, as after a thunderstorm. In the pine forests it is clean as in the operating room. Needles have a certain smell and a person inhales a clean and environmentally friendly and pleasant aroma. This air can cure various diseases: especially in the respiratory system. Helps relieve stress and tension. Improves lung function, normalizes blood pressure and nervous system. Even helps people who are sick with myopia.
The beauty of the forest can not be expressed in words. The forest itself acts as a sedative. Only in the forest can you escape from problems and enjoy the sounds of nature, the singing of birds, the uniqueness of nature.